Learn VokoscreenNG

From Open Educational Resources


Basic information

ICT Competency VokoscreenNG is a Free and Open Source screencasting desktop application.

screencasting: digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration.

Educational application and relevance Creating video and image resources, combining audio, text, image, video and dubbing audio of any video. This can be used in digital story telling activities
Version VokoscreenNG 3.0.7
Other similar applications Kazam, RecordMyDesktop, Simple screen recorder
The application on mobiles and tablets There are many similar application are available in android mobile phones. Example,. AZ screen recorder
Development and community help

Overview of features


For Windows
  1. Go to this link to select latest and stable version of the VokoscreenNG installable file (take the fist linked file from the list).
  2. Locate and double-click the .exe file. (It will usually be in your Downloads folder.)
  3. A Installation dialogue box will appear, follow the instructions to install the software.
  4. The software will be installed. You can now open the VokoscreenNG application by double clicking on VokoscreenNG icon on the desktop screen or go to applications list, search using search box feature and click on the icon to open.
For Linux (Ubuntu)
  1. To install VokoscreenNG through the terminal, follow the below steps :
    1. Open terminal by clicking Applications->System Tools->Terminal or through Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T
    2. In the terminal window, type below command and press enter to start the installation by providing your machine password:
    3. sudo snap install vokoscreen-ng

Working with application

Vokoscreen is an FOSS desktop application, which will allow you to record computer screen alongwith your audio input, live recordings of the browser, videoconferences. VokoscreenNG also capture your face using a webcam at the same time.

Getting familiar with application

You can access Vokoscreen from the Ubuntu applications menu.


The Vokoscreen User Interface

In the Vokoscreen home screen has a user interface with setting tabs such are screen, Audio, Video, General settings and Webcam settings.


There are some standard button which will always appears on the bottom of the vokoscreen window.

   Start: button starts the recording process

   Stop: button stops the recording

   Pause: The Pause button pauses the video, which can be resumed using the Start button

   Play: The Play button lets you play your recording back

   Send: Send button lets you mail the video.

Audio Settings

The second tab on the screen (denoted by the microphone symbol) allows you to do audio settings to improve audio quality. You can choose whether to record audio or not and whether to use PulseAudio or Alsa. If you choose PulseAudio, you can choose the input device to record from using the checkboxes provided.


The Alsa setting lets you choose input devices from a drop-down list.

Recording settings

Once you've configured your settings, you're ready to finally record your screen. To start recording your video, press Start at the bottom of the window.


As soon as you press Start, Vokoscreen will begin recording. Everything you do from here out will be part of your video ( if you want to temporarily stop recording, press Pause. When you press Start again, Vokoscreen will pick back up where it left off)

When you're done recording, maximize the Vokoscreen window again, and press Stop. Also you can use the below shortcut keys to start, pause and stop recording.

  1. Start recording: <CTRL + SHIFT + F10>
  2. Pause recording: <CTRL + SHIFT + F12
  3. Stop recording: <CTRL + SHIFT + F11>

After you stop your recording, you can safely close Vokoscreen window, and your recording will be located in the folder that you configured under the Settings tab (In Ubuntu by default recording will be save under "Videos" folder).
