Telangana ICT implementation
Revision as of 10:46, 2 September 2016 by Ranjani (talk | contribs) (→Syllabus for teachers and students)
ICT Integration in Education - Perspective plan for Telangana
Presentation to Commissioner on Aug 6,2016
Components of ICT integration
- Availability of adequate infrastructure and a Free and
- Open Technology Environment
- Curriculum to support teacher training and student learning
- Capacity building
- Teacher Education through collaborative communities
- Creation and availability of Open Educational Resources
- Institutional capacity building at Mandal and District Structures and SCERT
In line with National Policy and Curriculum
NCFTE, 2009
- Inservice TE must deepen knowledge and encourage reflective practice
- Continuous development educational, social and intellectual
- Community spaces for sharing and participatory, need based design
- Creation of resources as a method of TPDIn line with National Policy and Curriculum
National ICT Policy
- ICT opportunities for equitable access – FOSS, OER
- ICT for creation, content, connection
- Teacher education to drive ICT implementation through collaborative networks
- ICT for educational management, administration
National ICT Curriculum
- ICT Literacy competencies
- ICT enabled teaching learning processes
In line with educational theory
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
- Technology mediates content
- Technology provides new methodologies
ICT infrastructure
- School infrastructure
- State and DIET level labs for training and district resource centres
- Resource repositories and offline distribution
- Devices in schools must allow for computing and creation
- Hybrid solution needed for diverse school situations
- Schools and DIETs need provision for maintenance
Syllabus for teachers and students
- To evolve a meaningful curriculum for students for building digital literacy skills as well as technology skills for subject
learning. Telangana has already initiated this process.
- To develop appropriate school level teaching learning resources (including textbooks, handbooks and other materials for students
and teachers)
- To implement teacher training and develop teacher materials and teacher educator materials
The National ICT curriculum provides a multistage approach to capacity building for in service and preservice teacher training in ICT as well as for student learning
Capacity Building and OER (e-content) creation
- Teacher training to create a statewide forum of teachers trained in technology integration
- Capacity building for DIET faculty and SCERT academic faculty in technology integration
- Capacity building for technology in educational administration
- Development of Open Educational Resources – platforms and processes
A large network of teachers across the state can provide both the context and source for creation of contextual, diverse OER
Implementation plan
- Formation of a state resource group
- Development of curriculum for students, teachers and teacher educator for ICT learning and ICT integrated learning
- Teacher training across the state to build professional learning communities of teachers
- Phased manner in line with the NCERT ICT curriculum
- Phased manner to cover all subjects, all teachers
- Collaborative creation of OER
'A statewide Subject Forum will provide the context and source for a sustainable OER creation model'