Project variations in humanbeings

From Open Educational Resources
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  1. observing individuals
  2. collect data from individuals of the family members/school students
  3. gain knowledge about variations among their family members

What prior skills are assumed

  1. Observations
  2. Collecting data
  3. Entering data into spread sheet
  4. Typing text document

Resources needed

Hardware, software

  1. Camera,computer,,
  2. open shot video editor
  3. pen
  4. note books

Project output


Digital portfolio

Level 1

Level 2

Implementation notes

Notes for the teacher

When during the school year will it be done

  1. Level 1-
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3

Duration and modality of the project

  1. Data collection - through homework based questionnaire
  2. Data entry - 1 week
  3. Data analysis - 1 week

Subject anchor