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Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources is a collaborative project of teachers and teacher educators from different states of India, to access, create, review, re-mix, re-use, retain and re-distribute OER that is relevant to both classroom teaching of different subjects in Indian schools, and for teacher professional development.

  1. Assam RMSA has initiated the Subject Teacher Forum program to enable Mathematics teachers to create OER
  2. Andhra Pradesh Department of School Education has initiated the Subject Teacher Forum program to enable Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English and Telugu teachers to create OER and also make it available on their APEKX portal
  3. Commonwealth of Learning and IT for Change are collaborating on developing a 'Teachers' toolkit for creating and re-purposing OER using FOSS'
  4. Karnataka DSERT has initiated the Subject Teacher Forum program to enable Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English and Telugu teachers to create OER and also make it available on the KOER portal
  5. Karnataka DSERT has initiated the Teacher Educators - Communities of Practice program to enable teacher educators from DIETs and CTEs to create OER and also make it available on the KOER portal
  6. South India Teacher Educators Community of Practice. CEMCA, RIE Mysuru and IT for Change are collaborating on supporting a community of practice amongst the teacher educators from the SCERT and other teacher education institutions of the states in South India
  7. Telangana Department of School Education has initiated the Subject Teacher Forum program to enable Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English and Telugu teachers to create OER and also make it available on their TROER portal
  8. Rajasthan Department of School Education is planning to initiate the Subject Teacher Forum program to enable Mathematics teachers to integrate ICT in their professional development, their teaching and for creating OER

All these projects are facilitated by IT for Change, a NGO which envisions a society where digital technologies contribute to social justice and equity.