Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/tnet/public_html/OER/hi/languages/LanguageConverter.php on line 757
"ICT student textbook/Help build your vocabulary with Kanagram" के लिए खोज परिणाम - मुक्त शैक्षणिक संसाधन

खोज परिणाम

  • ...e="padding-left:2px;" | Go back to <br />[[ICT student textbook]] <br /> [[ICT teacher handbook]] ...d game application. It has in-built word lists for different categories. A vocabulary editor is included, and the user can download other word lists and create t
    ९ KB (१,४५२ शब्द) - ११:१९, १२ अप्रैल २०१८